meet Govindamma


HESTA for Mercy member Govindamma Cooke had been a nurse for almost 40 years when a workplace injury forced her to retire in 2020.


Originally from Fiji, Govindamma moved to Australia in the late 1980s. After having children, she returned to work as a registered and clinical nurse in 1993, exploring different areas in the nursing field.

“I loved bedside nursing,” Govindamma says.

“It wasn’t my chosen profession, but I’ve never looked back.


HESTA member, Govindamma

“The wellbeing of the patients was always my main focus. And I enjoyed meeting diverse people from all different cultures.”

In March 2020, Govindamma had been working with a student nurse to help get a patient out of bed when part of the hospital bed fell on her feet, leaving her in great pain and unstable on her feet.

After three years, Govindamma received a WorkCover payment, and she contacted HESTA for Mercy to enquire about adding these funds to her super account.

She spoke with Superannuation Adviser Aman Singh who identified that Govindamma held total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance as part of her super membership.

Aman helped Govindamma make a TPD claim and worked with a HESTA for Mercy insurance representative to backdate this claim. This resulted in almost double the payment.

Govindamma says Aman was a godsend.

“He has become like family,” she says.

“He explained everything to me very clearly and walked me through it step by step.

“After years of living under a massive black cloud, he was a little bit of blue sky. It has made a huge financial difference to my retirement.”

Aman says it was a privilege to help Govindamma.

“It was a bit emotional for me,” Aman says.

“I was able to help someone who really needed it, which is pretty special.”

After two surgeries and years of painful recovery, Govindamma is now hoping to enjoy her retirement surrounded by her husband, two sons and extended family.

The 65-year-old is looking forward to a trip to India later this year.

“I’ve been twice before and loved it,” Govindamma says.

“This time I’m going down south to Pondicherry and Auroville for meditation and yoga. I haven’t been able to balance since the accident, so I’ll need to relearn.

“It’s something I have to do for myself.”


need help?

HESTA for Mercy experts can provide advice about your super at no extra cost. It’s all part of the service.

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