enriching your retirement


If you’re not sure how to fill your days in retirement, you’re not alone. And there’s a lot we can do to get on top of these feelings.

According to psychologist and author Humphrey Armstrong, we can feel unhappy in retirement for many reasons.

“Some of us are frustrated about no longer having a job and we’re missing that daily connection with our work colleagues,” Humphrey says.

“Then there are frustrations with the physical changes of ageing, like poor sleep, stiff joints or trouble with your memory.

“And many of us can be struggling with family pressures, like being asked to babysit grandchildren late into the night or being relied upon for financial support.”

Taking action

Humphrey says many seniors report that the key to their happiness in retirement is feeling useful and supporting others in often small, everyday ways.

“Doing little things for friends and family can make a big difference,” Humphrey says.

“Offer to cook someone a meal when they are sick, or water their garden when they’re on holidays. You could also volunteer to bake biscuits for the local school fete.”

Gratitude also plays a role in happiness, and it’s important to remember to appreciate the simple pleasures to help us see how full and satisfying our lives really are.

“Enjoy the little things in your life because one day, you may look back and realise they were the big things,” Humphrey says.


Psychologist and author Humphrey Armstrong



We’re here to support you

If you're experiencing ongoing feelings of isolation, depression or loneliness, know there is help. You can call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

HESTA can also connect you to Ask Izzy: a free directory provided by our partner, Infoxchange. Ask Izzy helps Australians access local support services like mental health counselling, learning opportunities and financial assistances.



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